Green village

asv csr activity

To counter the negative impact of global warming and climate change ASV educational and charitable Trust has taken up to create five green villages this year. The aim of this project is to augment the natural resources by tree plantation in common lands, building small check dams to conserve water and to introduce renewable energy units in the villages like solar power plants, bio mass units from farm thrown away grass and animals excreta.

Not all renewable energy resources are inherently clean in that they cause no burden on the environment in terms of waste emissions, resource extraction, or other environmental disruptions. Nevertheless, use of renewable energy resources almost certainly can provide a cleaner and more sustainable energy system than increased controls on conventional energy systems.

Creating villages which will have abundant natural resources with ecological concern

  • Augmenting the natural resources by creating green cover with community support
  • Creating awareness on renewable energy for domestic and community activities.
  • Establishing seedling farms at each village to meet the community needs by planting seedlings at the village common lands and also to the farmer who would like to grow trees for food, timber and for animal fodder.
  • Awareness education on renewable energy units which can enable the villagers to use the energy for household purposes.
  • Linking the resources available to enable the farmers to establish energy renewable units at their homes.
  • Introducing techniques of rain water harvesting and stalk the water by technologies to make the water available all the seasons so that farmers can cultivate in all seasons.


—Justification of the budget

The budget has three parts. First part is for establishing seedlings along with the support for watering and saving the sapling in to a tree. For each plant INR 150 is mentioned for the plant to grow. Second part is for production of documentary short movie on awareness on renewable energy. This part of the budget is important because motivating the villagers to start using renewable energy for cooking and also by linking the resources from the government the villagers enters in to establishing unit for the household purpose. Third part is a small support to five volunteers from five villages.


Here we appeal to the CSR wing of your company to come forward to donate generously for the project activities. Either you can sponsor for the whole budget or you can pick up one part like establishing nursery part or for the next support in production of documentary movie or the last part of supporting the volunteers.